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The City of Roslyn is committed to improving your environment and your infrastructure.  This page contains information regarding our ongoing work to better serve our citizens and the infrastructure that serves their environment.

Pennsylvania Avenue Bottleneck - AUGUST 2023

CIP 1 - Pennsylvania Place Bottleneck: The City is contracting for a high-flow bypass stormwater pipe running along Coal Mines Trail to alleviate capacity concerns within the City storm drain system between East Pennsylvania Avenue and East Washington Avenue as identified in the City of Roslyn Stormwater Comprehensive Plan. This bypass will route excess flows directly to Crystal Creek, beginning at East Washington Avenue and following the Coal Mines Trail eastward and then southeastward for approximately 1,660 feet. The undersized pipe in the existing trunk line will remain in place, conveying all low-flows and baseflows along the original route. The proposed bypass begins with a 7’ x 9.5’ x 14.5’ cast-in-place concrete box structure with spring-assisted access hatch. The bypass structure contains an overflow weir that diverts high flows into a 36” HDPE pipe that travels 412’ in length before transitioning to a 42” HDPE pipe for 1,286’. This pipe outfalls into a proposed ditch that has riprap lining for 23’, then streambed cobble mix for 30’ before outfalling into Crystal Creek. A small portion of the existing stream bank will be re-graded to provide an appropriate transition between the outfall ditch and Crystal Creek. The project also includes interception of an 8” storm drain where it intersects the bypass alignment, paving, replacement of gravel pathway along the pipe alignment, plantings, and installation of a split-rail fence and hand-placed boulders separating the existing path from the outfall ditch. 

Construction Worker

Stormwater Treatment Retrofits - AUGUST 2023

CIP 1 - Stormwater Treatment Retrofits:  The City is contracting for stormwater treatment retrofits consisting of biofiltration swales to improve water quality within the local waterway, Crystal Creek. The City currently has limited Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the urbanized areas of the City. The BMPs will provide stormwater runoff treatment for the reduction of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and other pollutants. Nine biofiltration swales will be constructed on Utah Avenue, 1st Street, A Street, Idaho Avenue, Washington Avenue, and the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and B Street. The outfalls from each biofiltration swale will be connected to the existing stormwater conveyance network. The connections to the existing stormwater conveyance network will be made using CPEP pipe, ranging from 6” to 15” in diameter. There will be approximately 560 linear feet of pipe required to connect the biofiltration swales to the existing stormwater conveyance network.

Construction work planning

Dakota Parking Lot - Summer 2023

In 2022 the City of Roslyn identified various areas throughout town that Council determined to be suitable to creating additional off street parking within the City.  One of those identified was the ROW areas along Dakota Avenue across for the City Shop.  This project commenced on August 14th and is expected to provide additional parking options for visitors to the City in a continued effort to begin minimizing parking impacts within our residential areas.

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